Sunday, December 14, 2014

Blog Change

As you all might know, for the last few months now I have been writing all of my log posts on music and songs and different artists that I and you viewers might think to be talented or interesting. I decided now that I am going to switch things up a bit and broaden my topics for my different posts to just culture in general. This will include movies, maybe books, youtube videos, and still include some music.

First off, I just want to say to some of my viewers that I won’t be eliminating the topic of music out completely. It has just been getting harder for me to find artists and songs to write about and keep my posts intriguing and also somewhat lengthy to give you great information even though there are billions and billions of artists and songs out there. 

I feel like broadening my topic to include books and videos and movies will not only make this blog even more fun to read, but also show what I really wanted to accomplish by creating this blog which was to show to the world all the different ways we as people express ourselves through our culture.

Movies are a great way that people express themselves and their culture a lot because it just shows how we think about different scenarios and events and how creative the mind can be. There are so many different genres of movies that can have even their own branched out topics from them. There are your basic action movies: hero’s, killers, suspense, fighting, murders, spies, ect. There are your comedies: romantic, action comedies, stupidity/dumb, ect. There is also your horrors, romances, dramas, chick flicks, and cartoons.

Now youtube videos I could go on forever about. New videos go viral every week! Most are stupid and hilarious and I could rant all day long on them and the rest are either surprising or sad that have some story behind it.

Books will be a little had for me to write reviews on because I wouldn’t want to spoil the book for anyone that hasn’t already read it. But I will try my best to give out some good reading ideas for everyone and put in my opinion on some of the things I’ve read.

So as you can see, I won’t be having much more trouble finding ideas to write for you guys anytime soon. I’m pretty much set.

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