The first time I heard the
song "Secrets" by One Republic was when it literally first came out
because my friend was obsessed with the band and would buy every song that they
ever came out with. So when this song came out, he cane running to me, telling
me this song was going to be the next big thing. At first I didn't believe him
and just shrugged it off just like every other time he would tell me about a
One Republic song that was supposed to hit fame. But, once I listened to the
song, I couldn't help but keep listening to it over and over again. It was
addicting and then soon after became my favorite song and hit in the top 100 in

"I need another story, something to get off my chest. My life gets kind of boring, need something that I can confess."
However, he doesn't have an exciting story about a troubled family life or a dark, shameful past; the kind of stories that people love to gossip about.
"Got no reason, got no shame, got no family I can blame."
The first time I listened to the song, I thought he had become so desperate that he had decided to just make up some story or do something dangerous that would attract a lot of attention. But the chorus convinces me that that's not the case.
"Sick of all the insincere... This time, I don't need another perfect line. I don't care if critics never jump in line."
It sounds like he realizes that if he did that he would get a lot of attention, but he personally feels like it's not worth it. He's doing what he is just because he loves doing it, not because he wants fame and attention. He's realized that he doesn't care about shocking everyone with the perfect, story; he's sick of everyone working so hard to get attention that way and he wishes that people weren't so shallow and insincere.
Finally, I hear a plea for people to pay attention to him for the right reasons - his music, his personality, his dedication to what he does - even though he doesn't have an 'exciting' life that would be on all the magazine covers. He's going to be honest and show us who he really is, and he hopes people will appreciate that.
"Just don't let me disappear. I'm gonna tell you everything... I'm gonna give all my secrets away."