Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pearl Jam: Jeremy

The song "Jeremy" by Pearl Jam is just another one of those songs that brings me back to those relaxing car rides with my father when I was younger. And it's another song that we would sit through in absolute silence just taking the rawness of the song in.

The song is really meaningful, and you can really fell for the kids pain through the lyrics. In the first verse "At home, drawing pictures of mountain tops with him on top. Lemon yellow sun, arms raised in a V, dead lay in pools of maroon below" it shows that the kid, Jeremy, draws what he would like to feel in the drawing, like he conquered something in life and that people would actually respect him.

In the next couple lines "Daddy didn't give him attention, Oh, to the fact that mommy didn't care" you can really see that he was neglected all throughout his childhood, and that he didn't feel loved by anyone, or that he was even significant. The next two lines "King Jeremy the wicked, Oh, ruled his world" shows that he felt control for the first when shooting himself at the school, and that was the only way he could of ever felt any control.

The chorus of the song "Jeremy spoke in class today", means that he finally spoke out for himself and showed everyone how he felt, but that was by committing suicide in front of the class. The next verse describes what Jeremy Wade Delle actually did and what lead him to commit suicide. The following verse, " He hit me with a surprise left, my jaw left hurting. Dropped wide open, Just like the I heard" basically says how his mouth dropped wide open when being hit, just as wide when he heard about the shooting. The one line in the verse before the chorus, "And the boy was something mommy wouldn't wear" just shows again how his mother would not love care for him or show him any attention.

This song just show me how fortunate I am to have a family that cares for me and loves me. This song was written in 1991, and since then dozens of school shootings have cluttered the news. It is so tragic and it's something that needs to be stopped.

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